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Introducing DENSE & PIKA

Not much can be revealed about Dense & Pika. They're two established artists who have featured on Planet E and are now releasing music on a series of white-labels. The duo cover a variety of styles; dubby and housey with a backbone of raw techno. Juno categorise their forthcoming Hotflush release as 'Dirty/Heavy Dubstep/Grime' which may not be a likely representation of the release, but it should rocket the duo into the forefront of the UK techno scene.

Who Cares Wins - Dense & Pika [dense&pika004]

In the meantime, make sure you dig through their existing releases. 'Who Cares Wins' features a lovely central synth that reminds us of Levon Vincent, whilst maintaining an infectious bouncey groove. Bass-heavy 'Morse Mode', on the other hand, hits hard with a rough beat and 60's era morse code advice.

Morse Mode - Dense & Pika [dense&pika004]

Their back catalogue is becoming scarcer by the day, so be sure to check availabilty at Juno.

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